Bryan’s Blog

Battling Food Insecurity In The Ozarks

You’ve probably heard the term “food insecurity” and maybe thought that it’s a new way of saying “hunger” or “poverty.” Food insecurity is related to both poverty and hunger, but it means something completely different. One in ten households in America experience food insecurity and the significant…read more

Our Glass Is Half Full

People make fun of “cockeyed optimists” and rose-colored glasses are not always in style, but I know there will be much good that comes from the challenges we now face. In the last 30 days alone, we have already learned what is truly essential and what is not, as well as how individual actions can impact…read more

Glass Half Full

Designed For Community

Have you ever gone for an extended period of time without talking to anyone? I mean no face-to-face conversations, no phone calls, no texts, nothing; you just take a break from any human interaction. At first, it’s kind of nice. You start to unwind, relax, and just let yourself breathe. You get comfortable…read more

Designed For Community

Solving Poverty One Case At A Time

Poverty and homelessness – how do we fix it? It seems like an overwhelming project with no real solution. The truth is there are many factors that play into poverty and homelessness. What affects one person, might not be the same for another, which is why you have to take a case by case approach…read more

Feeling Lonely? You’re Not Alone

In a time where we have more ways to communicate and connect than ever before, we are also lonelier than we have ever been. Many have turned to social media, texting, and online chat rooms to connect with others instead of going out and…read more

Feeling Lonely

Break The Cycle – Help Our Children In Poverty

Our children are our future. Our children are our future. Our children are our future. Let me say it again so it really sinks in. Our. Children. Are. Our. Future. This is something we hear so often that we tend to simply…read more

Break The Cycle

Reaching The Unchurched

Easter Sunday is fast approaching, and many who don’t normally go to church will be attending services. These are the unchurched, those who haven’t grown up learning about Jesus and who often feel uncomfortable in a church setting because they don’t…read more

Reaching The Unchurched

Jobs For Life: Invest In Your Employees – Invest In Your Business

The Branson economy can be tricky. We are a tourism driven town with seasons where the market thrives and seasons where it slows to a crawl. Trying to run a business in this economy is hard. Many employers are forced to cutback during…read more

Looking Back & Looking Forward

2018 was an amazing year for Jesus Was Homeless, and Gateway Branson Church. We saw so much growth, and often in places we weren’t necessarily expecting it. We are so incredibly grateful for how God has continued to bless this organization and taken what little we had to start…read more

Past and Future

Hibernation Season

The holidays are over, cold weather is setting in, and the Branson economy has essentially gone into hibernation. Every year, there comes a time when the tourists leave our happy, family friendly, fun-filled town and head back to their…read more

NO Jobs

Behind The Billboards

When people think of Branson, they often think of the multiple attractions it has to offer. The theatres and shows, retail stores, theme parks, lake activities, and family friendly atmosphere. But, that’s not the whole story is it? What about the thousands of workers it takes…read more

Behind The Billboards

The Faces Of Poverty

When you think of people living in poverty, who is it you see? Is it the homeless man living under the bridge? Maybe the person sitting at the stoplight every day with a sign asking for help? The truth is poverty wears many faces and not always the ones we imagine. Friends, family,…read more

veiled face

It Starts With: Why?

Why do you do what you do? Why did you choose the career that you’re in? Was it the money? Convenience? Necessity? Or is it something that you’re genuinely passionate about? From the time we’re children, we are told that we can be anything we want to be. And with the mind…read more

Finding Your Why

War…What Is
It Good For?

I’ve recently been watching the Vietnam War documentary by Ken Burns on Netflix. My knowledge of the Vietnam War is limited to what I have learned in school and through movies. I have found this…read more


Life Change

What is Bryan passionate about? Life Change. That’s why our mission at Jesus Was Homeless is “To Transform Lives Into A New Way Of Living”. I love to see God transform people, really transform them. It’s such an honor and a privilege to be a part …read more

Life Change Blog

Workforce Development

We talk a lot about local workforce development at Jesus Was Homeless – and with good reason! Because the path out of poverty starts with getting a good, full-time job. While we know the toll poverty takes…read more

Workforce Blog

10 Years Of JWH

If you had asked me 10 years ago what I would be doing in 2018, I probably would have said I’d be working for corporate America and not living in Branson, Missouri.

It’s a good thing God doesn’t reveal the future to us. Not only would I have doubted the life I now lead,…read more

Bryan Under Construction

A New Year, New Opportunities

Talk about setting the bar high as we charge into 2018! Yet that’s exactly what we’re doing.
While the calendar is changing to 2018, the problems confronting the people we serve here in the Branson area…read more

Helping Folks Access Healthcare

You may not know it, but people living in poverty face many challenges to accessing healthcare services. And many times, the healthcare industry doesn’t understand those challenges, either.…read more

Help with healthcare

Getting to the Root Cause of Substance Abuse

I’m often asked, “Is there a substance abuse problem here in Branson?” Sadly, the answer is yes. When Jesus Was Homeless started nine years ago, about one third of the people…read more

Run Away

It All Comes Down To A Job

I’m going to tell you a secret: homelessness isn’t about not having a permanent place to live. It’s often about dealing with poverty. I am convinced that the only way out of poverty is through work. You want to truly address the problem…read more

JfL Class

The Story Behind Our New Thrift Store

Have you heard about Branson’s hottest new place to find bargains? Lots of people are getting a good buy and helping a good cause – at the same time. The Jesus Was Homeless Thrift Store opened for business on August 1, and…read more

Thrift Store

A New Building, A New Beginning

Something about a new beginning really appeals to us. A clean slate, a do over, starting fresh from scratch. That’s why we stay up till midnight every December 31 to ring in the New Year. It’s why we’re excited when a baby arrives and we celebrate …read more

New Building


For those of us living in the Ozarks, we probably consider ourselves a neighborly people. Our communities are built around neighborhoods. And yet, there’s a skill set necessary for being a good neighbor. And unfortunately, too many people today have lost it. …read more


Think you know what it’s like to serve as a volunteer? Think again! Volunteering with Jesus Was Homeless may look different than it does with other organizations. That’s because in most cases, our volunteers create a culture of family and relation …read more


Plain Talk About Poverty

Let’s start with some plain talk about something we all dislike (and secretly dread): poverty. When we hear that word, the first thing that comes to mind is material poverty. Having no money to pay for food, housing, a car or life’s other…read more


The Power Of One

A few weeks ago Amy & I had the priviledge and honor of traveling to Israel. One of my favorite spots was just outside of Jerulsalem where we visited a Jewish cemetary. People there don’t decorate graves with flowers, but with stones.…read more

Schindler Grave

400 Precious Childern

It is estimated that about 400 children live in poverty in extended stay motels in Branson… 400 precious children. We can be the hands and feet of Jesus to feed them this Christmas season. No child should ever go hungry. No mom should ever have to put their kids to…read more



I am completely overwhelmed with the generosity of our community. We set a goal of $3,075 for 2,500 meals for children living in poverty in the extended stay motels in Branson. The final total raised was almost…read more

thank you

You Are Not Going To Believe This

$8,424 Raised! Can we make it to $10,000?…read more

Giving Tuesday

Oh My Goodness!

You did it! We surpassed our goal of $3075. As of 4:00, our generous donors had given $3,624! That’s about 2,946 meals for children. We would like to issue a new challenge. Can we get to 3500 meals? That’s just another $681. That would be …read more

New Goal

Holy Cow!

We are only a few hundred dollars away from reaching our goal of $3,075 that will provide 2,500 meals to kids in Branson! Can we make our goal by 4:00? Will you join us to make sure kids living in poverty in Branson get a good meal this…read more

Holy Cow

400 Precious Children

It is estimated that about 400 children live in poverty in extended stay motels in Branson… 400 precious children. We can be the hands and feet of Jesus to feed them this Christmas season. …read more

Child In Window

Looking For Soldiers!

As the holiday season approaches we are flooded with information about “amazing deals” on Black Friday & Cyber Monday. At Jesus Was Homeless, we hope you have room for giving this Christmas season.…read more

little girl

We Need Volunteers For Thanksgiving

There are lots of areas you can use your gifts in but being a “Table Companion” is the most important job of the day. You will be assigned an individual or family to sit and share a meal…read more

Thanksgiving Volunteer

Don’t Clown Around This Thanksgiving

We want to take a moment to let you know how thankful we are for having you as a part of Jesus Was Homeless. Here are a few ways you can still make the Thanksgiving holiday special.…read more

Thanksgiving Turkey

Love Your Neighbor This Thanksgiving

We want to take a moment to let you know how thankful we are for having you as a part of Jesus Was Homeless. Here are a few ways you can still make the Thanksgiving holiday special.…read more

Thanksgiving Dinner

Our Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner Is Coming Up!

Don’t know how to vote in the upcoming election? Watch this video of between two feathers!…read more

Between Two Feathers

We All Scream For Ice Cream!

Who can turn down Coldstone Creamery ice cream…especially in July when the temps are hot, hot, hot! Come beat the heat with us and “Get the Scoop” on Jesus Was Homeless On July 12th from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m…read more

Ice Cream Social

More Meals Through Our Cookbook

Eight years after delivering their first meal to the homeless, Jesus Was Homeless is releasing a cookbook targeted at helping the people they serve by teaching them how …read more

Microwave Cookbook Blog

Build A Campus, Build A Future

Attention World Changers, When Amy and I started making 48 meals in our kitchen, we had no idea that eight years later, it would lead to serving more than 250,000 meals to…read more

Building Campaign

It’s Giving Tuesday!

Did you know…that Jesus Was Homeless is dependent on your generosity and grants only?
Did you know….that 55% of our Jobs for Life students that started the program homeless or in a motel have moved to …read more


Thanksgiving Is Almost Here!

Share the Thanksgiving love this year and “Give Thanks, Buy a Plate” for someone this Thanksgiving. By purchasing a plate for someone else your name will go on the …read more


Fear the Walking Turkey and Volunteer

It’s not too late to be a Thanksgiving Day Dinner volunteer. As you can imagine it takes an army of volunteers to feed the more than 1000 people expected…read more


It’s Thanksgiving Time!

“Love Your Neighbors” Thanksgiving Day Dinner: Thursday, November 26, 2015 – 5:30 to 8:00 P.M. at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church. Every year we feed over 1,000 people on Thanks…read more


Let’s Get Something Straight

I often hear “because of the non-profits giving away free stuff, homeless people are flocking to Branson”. You don’t know how ridiculous of a statement this is. We actually…read more


I am NOT a Christian

July was a whirlwind month for our country. We had the confederate flag issue and the Supreme Court ruling on marriage. There seemed to be a lot of heated and passionate opinions on both sides…read more


You Are Changing Lives!

It’s been 6 months since I have been able to send an update out and in that time a lot has happened in Branson in regards to weekly and extended stay motels, homelessness and…read more


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